Even those disappointed by Moon Knight had to admit that Jake Lockley was pretty cool. When Marc Spector’s third personality revealed himself as a newsboy-cap-wearing, Spanish-speaking tough guy, reservations about the series were kicked aside, like a discarded hospital wheelchair. Sadly, Lockley only made one appearance in the show, revealed to still be working as Khonshu’s assassin, despite the moon god’s deal with Spector and Steven Grant. But if Moon Knight does get a second season, we’re sure to see much more of Jake. “That guy’s story is definitely not done,” head writer Jeremy Slater told Inverse. Although he may look similar to the cabbie Jake Lockley found in the comics, the version played by Oscar Isaac “is definitely not the same,” and thus remains “an open book.” His motivations remain a mystery not just to Marc and Steven, but to the viewers as well. “We don’t necessarily know, is he good?” Slater rhetorically asked. “Is he evil? We know he’s working for Khonshu. We know he has some sort of arrangement. And we know he is definitely more on board with Khonshu’s worldview in terms of punishing evildoers.” That tension could create an interesting new development to bring Marc and Jake back into Khonshu’s control. While the victory against Arthur Harrow and Amit seemed to convince Marc against Khonshu’s violent ways, Jake’s existence proves that the moon god continues to control his life. Given the first season’s questions about goodness and evil, Jake’s moral ambiguity would allow the second season to continue with its predecessor’s themes. That said, Isaac did indicate that he would be willing to return as Marc et. al., if the story is right. And if Slater is to be believed, Lockley’s journey presents just the right type of story. Working as Khonshu’s assassin puts Lockley “in the service of the greater good,” Slater explained, but his allegiances aren’t clear. His connection to Khonshu forces viewers to wonder “is he going to be a friend? Is he an enemy?”